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微看书 > 小王子 > 第二十三章

第二十三章 (第2/2页)


Chaptr 23

"Good ornng," sad th lttl prnc.

"Good ornng," sad th rchant.

Ths as a rchant ho sold plls that had n nvntd to qunch thrst. You nd only sallo on pll a k, and you ould fl no nd of anythng to drnk.

"Why ar you sllng thos" askd th lttl prnc.

"Bcaus thy sav a trndous aount of t," sad th rchant. "Coputatons hav n ad y xprts. Wth ths plls, you sav ffty-thr nuts n vry k.""And hat do I do th thos ffty-thr nuts""Anythng you lk..."

"As for ," sad th lttl prnc to hslf, "f I had ffty-thr nuts to spnd as I lkd, I should alk at y lsur toard a sprng of frsh atr."
