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微看书 > 小王子 > 第十八章

第十八章 (第2/2页)

Chaptr 18

Th lttl prnc crossd th dsrt and t th only on flor. It as a flor th thr ptals, a flor of no account at all.

"Good ornng," sad th lttl prnc.

"Good ornng," sad th flor.

"Whr ar th n" th lttl prnc askd, poltly.

Th flor had onc sn a caravan passng.

"Mn" sh chod. "I thnk thr ar sx or svn of th n xstnc. I sa th, svral yars ago. But on nvr knos hr to fnd th. Th nd los th aay. Thy hav no roots, and that aks thr lf vry dffcult.""Goody," sad th lttl prnc.

"Goody," sad th flor.
