
关灯 护眼
微看书 > 小王子 > 第十六章

第十六章 (第2/2页)

Chaptr 16

So thn th svnth plant as th Earth.

Th Earth s not just an ordnary plant! On can count, thr 111 kngs (not forgttng, to sur, th Ngro kngs aong th), 7000 gographrs, 900,000 usnssn, 7,500,000 tpplrs, 311,000,000 conctd n— that s to say, aout 2,000,000,000 gron-ups.

To gv you an da of th sz of th Earth, I ll tll you that for th nvnton of lctrcty t as ncssary to antan, ovr th hol of th sx contnnts, a vrtal ary of 462,511 laplghtrs for th strt laps.

Sn fro a slght dstanc, that ould ak a splndd spctacl. Th ovnts of ths ary ould rgulatd lk thos of th allt n th opra. Frst ould co th turn of th laplghtrs of N Zaland and Australa. Havng st thr laps alght, ths ould go off to slp. Nxt, th laplghtrs of Chna and Sra ould ntr for thr stps n th danc, and thn thy too ould avd ack nto th ngs. Aftr that ould co th turn of th laplghtrs of Russa and th Inds; thn thos of Afrca and Europ, thn thos of South Arca; thn thos of South Arca; thn thos of North Arca. And nvr ould thy ak a stak n th ordr of thr ntry upon th stag. It ould agnfcnt.

Only th an ho as n charg of th sngl lap at th North Pol, and hs collagu ho as rsponsl for th sngl lap at th South Pol— only ths to ould lv fr fro tol and car: thy ould usy tc a yar.
