
关灯 护眼
微看书 > 小王子 > 第十四章

第十四章 (第2/2页)











Chaptr 14

Th ffth plant as vry strang. It as th sallst of all. Thr as just nough roo on t for a strt lap and a laplghtr. Th lttl prnc as not al to rach any xplanaton of th us of a strt lap and a laplghtr, sohr n th havns, on a plant hch had no popl, and not on hous. But h sad to hslf, nvrthlss:"It ay ll that ths an s asurd. But h s not so asurd as th kng, th conctd an, th usnssan, and th tpplr. For at last hs ork has so anng. Whn h lghts hs strt lap, t s as f h rought on or star to lf, or on flor. Whn h puts out hs lap, h snds th flor, or th star, to slp. That s a autful occupaton. And snc t s autful, t s truly usful."Whn h arrvd on th plant h rspctfully salutd th laplghtr.

"Good ornng. Why hav you just put out your lap""Thos ar th ordrs," rpld th laplghtr. "Good ornng.""What ar th ordrs"

"Th ordrs ar that I put out y lap. Good vnng."And h lghtd hs lap agan.

"But hy hav you just lghtd t agan""Thos ar th ordrs," rpld th laplghtr.

"I do not undrstand," sad th lttl prnc.

"Thr s nothng to undrstand," sad th laplghtr. "Ordrs ar ordrs. Good ornng."And h put out hs lap.

Thn h oppd hs forhad th a handkrchf dcoratd th rd squars.

"I follo a trrl profsson. In th old days t as rasonal. I put th lap out n th ornng, and n th vnng I lghtd t agan. I had th rst of th day for rlaxaton and th rst of th nght for slp.""And th ordrs hav n changd snc that t""Th ordrs hav not n changd," sad th laplghtr. "That s th tragdy! Fro yar to yar th plant has turnd or rapdly and th ordrs hav not n changd!""Thn hat" askd th lttl prnc.

"Thn— th plant no aks a coplt turn vry nut, and I no longr hav a sngl scond for rpos. Onc vry nut I hav to lght y lap and put t out!""That s vry funny! A day lasts only on nut, hr hr you lv!""It s not funny at all!" sad th laplghtr. "Whl hav n talkng togthr a onth has gon y.""A onth"

"Ys, a onth. Thrty nuts. Thrty days. Good vnng."And h lghtd hs lap agan.

As th lttl prnc atchd h, h flt that h lovd ths laplghtr ho as so fathful to hs ordrs. H rrd th sunsts hch h hslf had gon to sk, n othr days, rly y pullng up hs char; and h antd to hlp hs frnd.

"You kno," h sad, "I can tll you a ay you can rst hnvr you ant to...""I alays ant to rst," sad th laplghtr.

For t s possl for a an to fathful and lazy at th sa t.

Th lttl prnc nt on th hs xplanaton:"Your plant s so sall that thr strds ll tak you all th ay around t. To alays n th sunshn, you nd only alk along rathr sloly. Whn you ant to rst, you ll alk— and th day ll last as long as you lk.""That dosn't do uch good," sad th laplghtr. "Th on thng I lov n lf s to slp.""Thn you'r unlucky," sad th lttl prnc.

"I a unlucky," sad th laplghtr. "Good ornng."And h put out hs lap.

"That an," sad th lttl prnc to hslf, as h contnud farthr on hs journy, "that an ould scornd y all th othrs: y th kng, y th conctd an, y th tpplr, y th usnssan. Nvrthlss h s th only on of th all ho dos not s to rdculous. Prhaps that s caus h s thnkng of sothng ls sds hslf."H rathd a sgh of rgrt, and sad to hslf, agan:"That an s th only on of th all ho I could hav ad y frnd. But hs plant s ndd too sall. Thr s no roo on t for to popl..."What th lttl prnc dd not dar confss as that h as sorry ost of all to lav ths plant, caus t as lst vry day th 1440 sunsts!
