
关灯 护眼
微看书 > 小王子 > 第一章

第一章 (第2/2页)


Chaptr 1

Onc hn I as sx yars old I sa a agnfcnt pctur n a ook, calld Tru Stors fro Natur, aout th prval forst. It as a pctur of a oa constrctor n th act of sallong an anal. Hr s a copy of th drang.

In th ook t sad: "Boa constrctors sallo thr pry hol, thout chng t. Aftr that thy ar not al to ov, and thy slp through th sx onths that thy nd for dgston."I pondrd dply, thn, ovr th advnturs of th jungl. And aftr so ork th a colord pncl I succdd n akng y frst drang. My Drang Nur On. It lookd lk ths:

I shod y astrpc to th gron-ups, and askd th hthr th drang frghtnd th.

But thy ansrd: "Frghtn Why should any on frghtnd y a hat"My drang as not a pctur of a hat. It as a pctur of a oa constrctor dgstng an lphant. But snc th gron-ups r not al to undrstand t, I ad anothr drang: I dr th nsd of th oa constrctor, so that th gron-ups could s t clarly. Thy alays nd to hav thngs xpland. My Drang Nur To lookd lk ths:

Th gron-ups' rspons, ths t, as to advs to lay asd y drangs of oa constrctors, hthr fro th nsd or th outsd, and dvot yslf nstad to gography, hstory, arthtc and graar. That s hy, at th ag of sx, I gav up hat ght hav n a agnfcnt carr as a pantr. I had n dshartnd y th falur of y Drang Nur On and y Drang Nur To. Gron-ups nvr undrstand anythng y thslvs, and t s trso for chldrn to alays and forvr xplanng thngs to th.

So thn I chos anothr profsson, and larnd to plot arplans. I hav flon a lttl ovr all parts of th orld; and t s tru that gography has n vry usful to . At a glanc I can dstngush Chna fro Arzona. If on gts lost n th nght, such knoldg s valual.

In th cours of ths lf I hav had a grat any ncountrs th a grat any popl ho hav n concrnd th attrs of consqunc. I hav lvd a grat dal aong gron-ups. I hav sn th ntatly, clos at hand. And that hasn't uch provd y opnon of th.

Whnvr I t on of th ho sd to at all clar-sghtd, I trd th xprnt of shong h y Drang Nur On, hch I hav alays kpt. I ould try to fnd out, so, f ths as a prson of tru undrstandng. But, hovr t as, h, or sh, ould alays say:"That s a hat."Thn I ould nvr talk to that prson aout oa constrctors, or prval forsts, or stars. I ould rng yslf don to hs lvl. I ould talk to h aout rdg, and golf, and poltcs, and nckts. And th gron-up ould gratly plasd to hav t such a snsl an.
