第246章 废物! (第1/2页)
微看书 www.vkss.cc,最快更新上班当天,我被亿万富豪拉着领证!
男人半撑在太师椅上,居高临下地望着那个女人,眼神轻蔑,“cut off her tongue and hands。(把她舌头割了,手也割了)”
黑衣男人半跪在地,把手放在胸前,低头应道:“Yes,my Lord。(遵命,主人)”
“Also, don't kill her, call a doctor to treat her,throw her into the cage again for those people to watch。(另外,别把她弄死了,叫医生来给她治疗,再把她丢到笼子里,给那些人观赏。)”
黑衣男人脸上露出犹豫,好半天才回:“master, the current doctors are not as skilled as Yu wenci. It may take six months for the wound to recover, and they may also leave unsightly scars.If those guests see it, they may get angry。”(主人,现在的医生没有余温辞厉害,伤口恢复可能要半年的时间,而且还会留下难看的疤痕,要是那些客人看到估计会生气。)”
男人语调冰凉刺骨,“If they get angry, you'll secretly kill them。(他们要是生气,就把他们偷偷杀了)”
“Yes,my Lord。(遵命,主人。)”
男人想到了某些事,墨绿色的眼眸浮现出浓重的戾气和杀意,“have you not found any news about the man who rescued Yu wenci yet?(你们还没查到救走余温辞的那个男人的任何消息吗?)”
黑衣男人的衣服在看到他眼神那一刻就已全部湿透,好半天嘴巴才敢张开,“Sorry, master, we have tried our best, but we have searched all over the world and have not found any information about him。(对不起,主人,我们已经尽力了,但我们找遍了全球都没找到关于他的任何信息。”
男人冷笑一声,“I don't believe it. A big living person just disappeared like this. don't you know his name and appearance? how could it not be found, huh?(我不信,一个大活人就这么活生生消失了,不是知道他的名字和长相吗,怎么会查不到,嗯?”