第139章 (第1/2页)
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Durng thr alk, t as rsolvd that Mr. Bnnt's consnt should askd n th cours of th vnng.Elzath rsrvd to hrslf th applcaton for hr othr's. Sh could not dtrn ho hr othr ould tak t; sots doutng hthr all hs alth and grandur ould nough to ovrco hr ahorrnc of th an. But hthr sh r volntly st aganst th atch, or volntly dlghtd th t, t as crtan that hr annr ould qually ll adaptd to do crdt to hr sns; and sh could no or ar that Mr. Darcy should har th frst rapturs of hr joy, than th frst vhnc of hr dsapproaton.
In th vnng,soon aftr Mr.Bnnt thdr to th lrary, sh sa Mr.Darcy rs also and follo h,and hr agtaton on sng t as xtr.Sh dd not far hr fathr's opposton,ut h as gong to ad unhappy;and that t should through hr ans—that sh, hs favourt chld, should dstrssng h y hr choc,should fllng h th fars and rgrts n dsposng of hr—as a rtchd rflcton,and sh sat n sry tll Mr. Darcy appard agan, hn, lookng at h, sh as a lttl rlvd y hs sl.In a f nuts h approachd th tal hr sh as sttng th Ktty;and,hl prtndng to adr hr ork,sad n a hspr,“Go to your fathr,h ants you n th lrary.”Sh as gon drctly.
Hr fathr as alkng aout th roo, lookng grav and anxous.“Lzzy,”sad h,“hat ar you dong?Ar you out of your snss,to accptng ths an?Hav not you alays hatd h?”
Ho arnstly dd sh thn sh that hr forr opnons had n or rasonal,hr xprssons or odrat!It ould hav spard hr fro xplanatons and profssons hch t as xcdngly akard to gv; ut thy r no ncssary, and sh assurd h,th so confuson,of hr attachnt to Mr. Darcy.
“Or,n othr ords,you ar dtrnd to hav h.H s rch, to sur,and you ay hav or fn cloths and fn carrags than Jan.But ll thy ak you happy?”