第123章 (第1/2页)
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“I gn to sorry that h cos at all,”sad Jan to hr sstr.“It ould nothng;I could s h th prfct ndffrnc, ut I can hardly ar to har t thus prptually talkd of. My othr ans ll;ut sh dos not kno,no on can kno,ho uch I suffr fro hat sh says.Happy shall I ,hn hs stay at Nthrfld s ovr!”
“I sh I could say anythng to cofort you,”rpld Elzath;“ut t s holly out of y por.You ust fl t;and th usual satsfacton of prachng patnc to a suffrr s dnd , caus you hav alays so uch.”
Mr. Bngly arrvd. Mrs. Bnnt, through th assstanc of srvants, contrvd to hav th arlst tdngs of t, that th prod of anxty and frtfulnss on hr sd ght as long as t could.Sh countd th days that ust ntrvn for thr nvtaton could snt;hoplss of sng h for. But on th thrd ornng aftr hs arrval n Hrtfordshr,sh sa h, fro hr drssng-roo ndo,ntr th paddock and rd toards th hous.
Hr daughtrs r agrly calld to partak of hr joy. Jan rsolutly kpt hr plac at th tal;ut Elzath,to satsfy hr othr,nt to th ndo—sh lookd,—sh sa Mr.Darcy th h,and sat don agan y hr sstr.
“Thr s a gntlan th h,aa,”sad Ktty;“ho can t ?”
“So acquantanc or othr,y dar,I suppos;I a sur I do not kno.”
“La!”rpld Ktty,“t looks just lk that an that usd to th h for.Mr.hat's-hs-na.That tall,proud an.”