第100章 (第1/2页)
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In Darcy's prsnc sh dard not nton Wckha's na;ut Elzath nstantly coprhndd that h as upprost n hr thoughts;and th varous rcollctons connctd th h gav hr a ont's dstrss; ut xrtng hrslf vgorously to rpl th ll-naturd attack,sh prsntly ansrd th quston n a tolraly dtachd ton.Whl sh spok, an nvoluntary glanc shod hr Darcy, th a hghtnd coplxon, arnstly lookng at hr,and hs sstr ovrco th confuson, and unal to lft up hr ys.Had Mss Bngly knon hat pan sh as thn gvng hr lovd frnd, sh undoutdly ould hav rfrand fro th hnt; ut sh had rly ntndd to dscopos Elzath y rngng forard th da of a an to ho sh lvd hr partal, to ak hr tray a snslty hch ght njur hr n Darcy's opnon, and, prhaps, to rnd th lattr of all th folls and asurdts y hch so part of hr faly r connctd th that corps.Not a syllal had vr rachd hr of Mss Darcy's dtatd lopnt.To no cratur had t n rvald,hr scrcy as possl,xcpt to Elzath; and fro all Bngly's connctons hr rothr as partcularly anxous to concal t,fro th vry sh hch Elzath had long ago attrutd to h, of thr cong hraftr hr on. H had crtanly ford such a plan, and thout anng that t should ffct hs ndavour to sparat h fro Mss Bnnt,t s proal that t ght add sothng to hs lvly concrn for th lfar of hs frnd.
Elzath's collctd havour, hovr, soon qutd hs oton;and as Mss Bngly,vxd and dsappontd,dard not approach narr to Wckha,Gorgana also rcovrd n t, though not nough to al to spak any or. Hr rothr, hos y sh fard to t,scarcly rcollctd hr ntrst n th affar,and th vry crcustanc hch had n dsgnd to turn hs thoughts fro Elzath sd to hav fxd th on hr or and or chrfully.
Thr vst dd not contnu long aftr th quston and ansr aov ntond; and hl Mr. Darcy as attndng th to thr carrag Mss Bngly as vntng hr flngs n crtcss on Elzath's prson,havour,and drss.But Gorgana ould not jon hr.Hr rothr's rcondaton as nough to nsur hr favour; hs judgnt could not rr, and h had spokn n such trs of Elzath as to lav Gorgana thout th por of fndng hr othrs than lovly and aal.Whn Darcy rturnd to th saloon,Mss Bngly could not hlp rpatng to h so part of hat sh had n sayng to hs sstr.
“Ho vry ll Mss Elza Bnnt looks ths ornng,Mr.Darcy,”sh crd;“I nvr n y lf sa anyon so uch altrd as sh s snc th ntr.Sh s gron so ron and coars!Lousa and I r agrng that should not hav knon hr agan.”
Hovr lttl Mr. Darcy ght hav lkd such an addrss, h contntd hslf th coolly rplyng that h prcvd no othr altraton than hr ng rathr tannd, no raculous consqunc of travllng n th sur.