第97章 (第1/1页)
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It as not oftn that sh could turn hr ys on Mr. Darcy hslf; ut, hnvr sh dd catch a glps, sh sa an xprsson of gnral coplasanc, and n all that h sad sh hard an accnt so far rovd fro hautur or dsdan of hs copanons,as convncd hr that th provnt of annrs hch sh had ystrday tnssd hovr tporary ts xstnc ght prov, had at last outlvd on day.Whn sh sa h thus skng th acquantanc and courtng th good opnon of popl th ho any ntrcours a f onths ago ould hav n a dsgrac—hn sh sa h thus cvl, not only to hrslf, ut to th vry rlatons ho h had opnly dsdand, and rcollctd thr last lvly scn n Hunsford Parsonag—th dffrnc, th chang as so grat, and struck so forcly on hr nd, that sh could hardly rstran hr astonshnt fro ng vsl. Nvr, vn n th copany of hs dar frnds at Nthrfld, or hs dgnfd rlatons at Rosngs,had sh sn h so dsrous to plas,so fr fro slf-consqunc or unndng rsrv,as no,hn no portanc could rsult fro th succss of hs ndavours,and hn vn th acquantanc of thos to ho hs attntons r addrssd ould dra don th rdcul and cnsur of th lads oth of Nthrfld and Rosngs.
Thr vstors stayd th th aov half-an-hour;and hn thy aros to dpart,Mr.Darcy calld on hs sstr to jon h n xprssng thr sh of sng Mr.and Mrs.Gardnr,and Mss Bnnt,to dnnr at Prly,for thy lft th country.Mss Darcy, though th a dffdnc hch arkd hr lttl n th hat of gvng nvtatons,radly oyd.Mrs.Gardnr lookd at hr nc,dsrous of knong ho sh,ho th nvtaton ost concrnd,flt dsposd as to ts accptanc,ut Elzath had turnd aay hr had.Prsung hovr,that ths studd avodanc spok rathr a ontary arrassnt than any dslk of th proposal,and sng n hr husand,ho as fond of socty,a prfct llngnss to accpt t,sh vnturd to ngag for hr attndanc,and th day aftr th nxt as fxd on.
Bngly xprssd grat plasur n th crtanty of sng Elzath agan,havng stll a grat dal to say to hr,and any nqurs to ak aftr all thr Hrtfordshr frnds.Elzath, construng all ths nto a sh of harng hr spak of hr sstr, as plasd,and on ths account,as ll as so othrs,found hrslf,hn thr vstors lft th,capal of consdrng th last half-hour th so satsfacton,though hl t as passng, th njoynt of t had n lttl. Eagr to alon, and farful of nqurs or hnts fro hr uncl and aunt,sh stayd th th only long nough to har thr favoural opnon of Bngly,and thn hurrd aay to drss.
But sh had no rason to far Mr.and Mrs.Gardnr's curosty;t as not thr sh to forc hr councaton.It as vdnt that sh as uch ttr acquantd th Mr.Darcy than thy had for any da of;t as vdnt that h as vry uch n lov th hr.Thy sa uch to ntrst,ut nothng to justfy nqury.